

Aug 18-20, 2023

Before we knew we would be getting kittens, we had planned a trip to Montreal to watch the Montreal showing of the brand new Cirque du Soleil show. We always make sure to see the new tent shows early in the run, and it is always worth the trip to Montreal. Tom was able to secure cat care, and we had a good time in Montreal, really enjoying the show.

Aug 19

Having arrived on Friday evening, we headed out for a nice walk starting in the Gay Village where we were staying for the first night. It is always nice to have a new Hyatt property to stay in, and this one was ideally located. We started out the day by hiking up Mount Royal.

After enjoying the Cirque du Soleil show, we found dinner and headed back to our hotel in Old Montreal.

Aug 20

After breakfast, we had a bit more time to explore Old Montreal before heading to the airport.

After our walk, we headed back to the hotel to check out and head to the airport. The flight to Toronto Island Airport was nice and an easy trip back home to the kittens, who did well with their new care givers..



